Make the switch to fiber to stay competitive in today's fast-paced, data-heavy world.

We know the decision about internet service can be a complex one, but for most small businesses the choice comes down to just a handful of service types. If you’re still stuck on cable (or another first-gen alternative), it’s time to investigate whether you have access to a fiber optic connection through one of the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) service at your business location.
Because here’s the bottom line: sticking with cable can hold your business back. Consider all the ways that cable could cause you problems:
Cable is far slower than fiber
Cable is less reliable
Upload speeds with cable are drastically lower than the (already lower) download speeds
No such thing as a dedicated cable connection: your actual speeds depend on what others on your node are doing
Cable is an aging technology that few ISPs continue to invest in
If you're like most, your business environment is competitive — more so today than at any point in the past. You can’t afford to fall behind the competition.
An old, less reliable, slower internet connection runs the risk of putting you behind.
Is There Fiber Optic Internet Near Me?
Availability is the big question when it comes to fiber. We’ll be honest: while fiber is the future, not every customer has made the transition, because some of them don’t have access to fiber yet. The good news is that fiber access is rapidly expanding, thanks to the tireless efforts of ISPs to build out the necessary infrastructure.
Ready to Make the Switch to Fiber?
If you’re ready to make the switch to fiber optic internet, we can guide you through the process. If you’re a current customer, simply reach out to your rep. And if you’re not, we hope you’ll consider us as a managed services partner. We can take care of your entire suite of IT needs — and help you find the best fiber internet connection at the same time.
Ready to chat? Reach out to ITS today.